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What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing, shorts and vest top are a good option as they are easy to remove but also allow easy access to areas if required. A towel will cover you during the session anyway and only the area being treated will be exposed. If only the lower body is being worked on, then only your lower garments will require removal. It’s advisable to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting stained by any oils or lotions that may be used during your treatment.

Do I need to bring anything?

No, unless you have details with regards to a specific issue you may be suffering with.

Do you have insurance?

Yes, LW Across Counties is fully insured by Zurich.

Do I have to be a sports person to receive a sports massage?

Not at all, anyone can benefit from a sports massage as it helps with things like, back pain, muscle and tendon strains, neck stiffness, tight muscles, stress and anxiety.

Does it hurt?

You may experience some discomfort as Sports Massage uses deep tissue techniques on your muscles. However, the massage will be performed to a threshold you can withstand.

Is it safe for pregnant women to have a sports massage?

In the first three months sports massage is not recommended, however, during the second and third trimesters it’s ok.

Do I need consent from my GP or other Medical Practitioner?

On rare occasions, this may be necessary if you believe you have a pre-existing condition that might require approval, please let me know before the initial assessment.

Can sports massage be harmful?

It is a non-invasive therapy, however, there are certain conditions that mean you should not have sports massage, or you should ask for further details; they include:

  • Acute injuries and fractures (massage will help with restoring muscle function after the healing process has finished)
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Dislocated joints
  • First trimester of pregnancy
  • Haemophilia (and other bleeding disorders)
  • Infectious skin diseases
  • Open wounds (unaffected areas can be massaged)
  • Recent surgery
  • Tumours / cancer
  • Varicose veins (massage away from them is unproblematic)

Do I need a chaperone?

Any client under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to every appointment.

Cancellation Policy

You will not be charged by LW Across Counties if you cancel or re-arrange your appointment with more than 24 hours’ notice, as this allows us to offer your appointment to other clients. However, should you cancel or re-arrange an appointment within 24 hours of your appointment, then it will be subject to a full charge by LW Across Counties.


You will be liable for the full cost of your appointment if you fail to give any prior notice to LW Across Counties or miss your appointment.

Any further questions then please contact us.

Our Services…

Equine Therapy

Sports Massage